Experitec's Emergency Response technicians possess not only a great amount of expertise, but in most cases a long history of familiarity with your applications. Read our customer stories to learn about our approach to Emergency Response and how it has benefitted our customers.
Packaging Manufacturer Relies on
Experitec for Knowledge and Quick Response
This customer called our account manager in the middle of the night because a turbine control valve on one of their paper machines failed. We immediately took action and got the machine up and running within hours.
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Industrial Power Plant Selects Experitec as
Sole Source for PRVs and Valve Services
This critical power plant had historically relied on Experitec for Fisher™ valves and associated services. New corporate investments gave us the opportunity to offer PRV products, testing, and maintenance services, in addition to our traditional control valve services role.
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Refinery Depends on Experitec to
Replace Critical Valves for Its Cooling Tower
Due to the weather, two large critical valves on this customer's water system cracked and were unusable. We received the call on a Monday and their maintenance team needed the valves replaced for its startup on Friday.
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