With the right choice of John H. Carter's level controllers, level transmitters, and dump valves, you'll be able to keep processing costs down while maintaining hydrocarbon quality and reducing lost production.
Proven Results
An Emerson Impact Partner's customer was using Radar level instruments for all of the process level transmitters on a GOM Oil & Gas platform. The transmitters were very problematic, and continued to cause false liquid levels, false alarms and platform shutdowns. The situation was a maintenance problem for the operators, caused process upsets and lost production. The customer needed a cost-effective solution that would solve the problem, but not require a great deal of retrofitting, and minimize any 'hot work' required
Solving the problem would require a level transmitter that could operate with the thin layer of hydrocarbon present. It would also require a device that would require little or no ‘hot work’ and minimal retrofitting. We determined that a displacement type of level instrument would work well, because the thin layer of hydrocarbon would have a minimal effect on the total buoyancy effect of the produced water. And even if the hydrocarbon layer built up, it would not result in a complete malfunction.
JHC proposed that a DLC3010 transmitter be used with a top mounted 249 type sensor, to solve the problem. Because of the various cage sizes and temperature ranges, TFE displacer material would be utilized. This would allow the customer to be able to remove the Radar gauge head only, and keep the existing external cage/bridal in place.The customer agreed to buy (4) units as a trial, and they performed well, with no problems.