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<span style="color:#00488e;">Valve Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics Tools</span>

Valve Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics Tools

Most of our customers already have a Reliability Program in place for their major assets. Now, they are looking to extend the benefits of Reliability to the next tier—addressing critical valves and instruments. Our decades of experience with devices and control systems allow us to assist customers through this process—from the device and sensor level, up through ERP and CMMS systems, and beyond. While companies are eager to create even more value from their control systems data, it requires secure, streamlined, and contextualized data to do so.
The Business Case for Accurate Valve Diagnostics Is Clear
In addition to reliable and consistent process data, valve diagnostics are part of the equation for a complete digital reliability strategy. The advantage of valve diagnostics is that they can run all the time under actual operating conditions. We can see how the valve is performing under stress, before it becomes a problem. For critical valves, the economic benefits of improving valve reliability can be significant.
Don’t Just React To Operational Challenges, Anticipate Them
Valve reliability can provide critical asset monitoring, prioritized alerts and alarms, fleetwide trending and analysis, and actionable recommendations. You can:
  • See the health of your entire fleet from
    a single dashboard
  • Reduce walkarounds/increase safety of your people
  • Catch issues before they become critical
<span style="color:#00488e;">Valve Health App</span>
Valve Health App

Using data from the valves combined with your criticality ranking, the Valve Health App generates health indicators by verifying if a plant’s valves are in a medium or high repair urgency status. This is done by applying a user-customizable algorithm that drives your health index score. Within a single tool, users can view the overall health of their connected valves, plus see individual valve issues, along with recommended corrective actions and their estimated financial impact.

<span style="color:#00488e;">ValveLink™ Software</span>
ValveLink™ Software

Integral to your Valve Condition Monitoring solution, ValveLink provides more comprehensive diagnostics for control valve troubleshooting, tuning and calibration—without disrupting your process. Additionally, you can analyze the root-cause of individual valves.

<span style="color:#00488e;">Valve Condition Monitoring Service</span>
Valve Condition Monitoring Service
This service focuses on the operational condition of a customer’s control valve assets. It provides access to Emerson/Experitec valve experts who can review, analyze, and make recommendations from control valve data.
Ready to extend your Reliability Program to your valves and instruments? Contact our experts to learn how.