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Comprehensive Measurement Services
Comprehensive Measurement Services
We Also Service All Major Manufacturers’<br>Measurement Solutions

We Also Service All Major Manufacturers’
Measurement Solutions

Experitec offers a wide range of measurement and instrumentation services for industrial customers throughout our region. Our technicians are highly experienced in working with devices from all major manufacturers. Simplify the process by working with a single supplier for all of your measurement instrumentation needs. 

Featured Services

Our walkdown and audit services help you maximize your return on investment for your plant’s existing instrumentation by providing an accurate inventory list and assessment of your installed base. Our services include:
  • Full listing, including tag, model, and serial numbers
  • Inventory analysis of all installed measurement devices and/or spares 
  • Instrument assessments and recommendations for consolidation, upgrades, and obsolete transmitter replacement
  • Pre-plan for an outage to ensure our work is focused on priority items or instrumentation that needs attention 
  • Verify instrument health using advanced diagnostics through AMS Device Manager
Vibration, shock, and harsh operating conditions invariably cause field products to drift over time. The resulting degradation of measurement data can lead to poor quality, process inefficiency or downtime, and even safety concerns. Our service technicians provide the expertise you need to help restore data accuracy, performance, and process control. Our services include:
  • On-site troubleshooting and evaluation from factory-trained technicians
  • Instrument calibrations using NIST-traceable standards
  • As-found/As-left data across multiple test points
  • Routine on-site calibrations available on a quarterly, bi-annual, or annual basis
Getting your facility, or process, up and running under a tight timeline has never been easy. Furthermore, as you integrate complex technologies, the task becomes even more daunting. Your staff may not have the specialized skills, much less the time, to meet all the requirements and stay on schedule. Let Experitec be your partner to ensure out-of-the-box confidence in your measurement instrumentation. Our services include:
  • Installation Review: Our technical personnel can be there on-site to review the installation and application to ensure a successful implementation based on best practices
  • Verification & Commissioning: We check all the variables for each transmitter type, including mechanical, wiring, and loop verifications, as well as the transmitter’s configuration and diagnostics
  • Training: Our group training includes a best practices overview for installation, operation, and troubleshooting of the equipment installed
Our technicians are highly experienced in working with devices from all major manufacturers and you can simplify the process by working with a single supplier for all measurement instrumentation solutions. Our project technicians will provide:
  • Pre-outage planning of parts, tools, and technician expertise required, as well as a walk-down checklist
  • Accurate, certified repair and maintenance records
  • Equipment returned to OEM specifications, using NIST traceable test equipment
  • Full regulatory and safety compliance
  • Recommendations for product upgrades and replacements
Our temporary or contract Instrumentation & Control (I&C) services can help complement your workforce during periods of increased process activity, or temporary workforce shortages. You can feel confident that our factory-trained technicians can assist in keeping your plant running safely and efficiently. We offer:
  • Short-term or long-term I&C staffing solutions
  • Annual service agreements
Our OEM-certified trainers can provide hands-on instruction for making the most common measurement adjustments and repairs. We offer:
  • Wide selection of I&C learning paths that address various instrumentation technologies
  • Standard training course options conducted at Emerson factory locations, off-site locations near your plant, or at your facility
  • Classes ranging from beginner level for newer technicians, to more advanced for experienced employees
Get in touch with an expert, find your nearest office location, or send us a note about your next project.