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Valve Services

Identify Leaks That Can Impact Production Costs, Efficiency, & Output With Our Leak Detection Services

January 23, 2025
<span style="color:#00488e;"> Reduce Carbon Intensity & Become More Efficient<br>—as well as Benefit From a Quick Payoff in Fuel Savings!</span>

Reduce Carbon Intensity & Become More Efficient
—as well as Benefit From a Quick Payoff in Fuel Savings!

Experitec is proud to partner with Leak Detection Services, Inc. to offer a cost-effective solution that will enable you to produce more megawatts of power for fewer BTUs.
From Our Engineering Study Through Walkdown and Acoustic Testing, Our Process is Designed to Provide a Comprehensive Analysis and Cost Savings


We start by completing an engineering study to ensure that your unique plant requirements are properly addressed. The study includes a P&ID review, test population evaluation, site-specific database, test plan selection, and heat rate modeling.


We conduct a site walkdown to identify valve locations, place identification tags, and photograph each item. Then acoustic testing can begin: our acoustic test methods include signature comparison, differential signature, direct comparison and time-sweep signatures. 


Our comprehensive report includes internal damage assessment, efficiency & fuel cost analysis, repair recommendations, external observations & potential safety concerns, and valve trending & savings analysis

Take Your Condition-Based Valve Monitoring
Program to the Next Level