This Midwest refinery had always wanted to harness the power of its smart instrumentation installed base. Even though Facility Operations could benefit from spending less time reacting to failures and assigning more resources to predict them, the necessary network additions were viewed as speculative and cost prohibitive.

Total Asset Management (TAM), a Win-Win-Win
Experitec introduced the concept of TAM to normalize the principles of equipment health and performance monitoring across all types of assets in the facility, including those top tier critical valves responsible for production losses.
By partnering across functional lines with the plant’s Reliability Department, a common set of operating challenges forged an alliance between different system and equipment owners—with a joint purpose of minimizing random equipment failures leading to unplanned downtime.
By partnering across functional lines with the plant’s Reliability Department, a common set of operating challenges forged an alliance between different system and equipment owners—with a joint purpose of minimizing random equipment failures leading to unplanned downtime.

A Condition-Based Monitoring Approach
With more sophisticated trends from multiple PdM technologies, Maintenance and Reliability began to confidently catch impending failures and derive remaining useful life for their most critical assets. With each incremental win, prior roadblocks and funding hurdles dissipated, allowing the refinery to focus its efforts on expanding the wireless monitoring networks to new locations, applications, and types of assets.